Ultimate GFE
Ellenae Mason’s Cover Photo

Ellenae Mason

Verified Photo

+I can transport you to another dimension!

Home City

San Francisco


BDSM, Escorts, Kink, Massage

Ellenae Mason’s Avatar
Verified Photo

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Slixa has verified that the photos marked with these blue badges are accurate representations of Ellenae Mason. Photo Verified Entertainer
Photo verified since Jun 2019

I love what I do, and I’m very good at it. I’m fun and enthusiastic. An expert in the field. I am able to accommodate almost anyone’s fantasies, and have a great time doing it. Get off your computer and get in touch with me now.

Be aware that I will not discuss details until after I have screened you. See the ‘etiquette ’ section for my screening requirements.

I am disability-friendly, and my apartment is fully wheelchair accessible. Don’t hesitate to let me know if you require any special accommodations.

Same day appointments are possible but it’s best to reserve your preferred time with advanced notice; preferably, at least 24-48 hours. I can be available for in-calls seven days a week from 8am-12am (for appointments before noon you must book the day before). Thank you for your understanding.

*** Text me today***

I’ll look forward to meeting you.


Ellenae Mason

***Donations are for my time and companionship only***

The Look

Ellenae Mason is a 5'8" caucasian woman in her late 40's with long red hair and green eyes.

She is available for Male, Female, Couples, and Trans.


I love making music, dancing, and seeing live music. I like reading, and expanding my mind. I also make organic skincare products, massage oils, and other various magic potions with essential oils and herbs. The oil I use for my massages is unscented, but if you’d like a custom blended massage oil for your session, let me know In advance.

I am not a big fan of cologne.

I really love chocolate, so don’t forget to bring some for me.


I expect my clients to be respectful, and kind.

My hours are 8a-12a 7 days a week.

Important: I screen potential clients before making appointments, so please plan ahead and save both of us time by having contact info for a woman you’ve seen before, or your employment verification information ready. Discretion is extremely important to me, and a promise from me to you. Safety is my top priority, and will ensure that both of us thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

Contact Info