+Israeli/Sweedish Confident, Mature, Classy, and Sarcastic
at times;)

Without failure there is no achievement” John C. Maxwell
44 Mature, Inteligent, Classy, Confident, Sophisticated…
I am 44 yr old and confident classy gal with a very high I.Q. I am tall/athletic( 5’9”)and my family heritage is Israeli/Sweedish.
Professionally, I have an entepreneurial spirit with the love of building long term relationships and repore. I have a tendancy to joke or be funny with sarcasm. However, I am an active listener and enjoy hearing life stories no matter what the subject is.
I believe that the universe spreads positive energy by staying positive and helping others.
I would love to share my knowledge and personal stories, triumphs, and failures in hopes that you may gain it in some way! I would welcome the same for you.
I thank my many years of dedication to martial arts training and Sensei Ian Hewitt of LaValle’s Black belt Champions for showing me blood, sweat, and tears can develop a better self.
“The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement”
He strived to teach us the new meaning of personal best. Perseverance, Courteousness, Respect, Dicipline, and Indominable Spirit are some of the important values I practice.
I am direct but in a respectful way. “what you will see is what you get ” because that’s me at the core. I prefer honesty and transparentcy. I read people very well sometimes just body language alone will guide me. I can usually match your comfortability in conversation in less than a few minutes.
I have been shown that two basic principles of any relationship is comunication and compromise. (Read that line about five times… 10k of therapy it took to hear/learn that one! Ha,ha,ha! Seriously though, that principal applies to friends, family, professional relationships, teacher/student, elders, possibly even animals!
Life is a fun journey! I look forward to meeting you! Cheers friends!
Hope to hear from you soon!
xoxo Kelli

Kelli Boston is a 5'9", slender caucasian woman in her early 40's with short hair and hazel eyes.
She is available for Male, Female, Couples, and Trans.
- kelli@View
- +1 617-952-8349 text anytime for session
- your address book (vcard)
- your smartphone (QR code)
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