UTR Girls
Ophelia Zin’s Cover Photo

Ophelia Zin

Verified Photo

+We are separate on the surface but connected in the deep:)

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“There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it”

Slixa has verified that the photos marked with these blue badges are accurate representations of Ophelia Zin. Photo Verified Entertainer
Photo verified since Nov 2014

My name is Ophelia. Made in USA. I enjoy cooking, reading, writing, traveling, bird watching, ping pong, going to the gym, going to the movies and exploring the city with my friends. I do this because I like the thrill of adventures. I attract people who are either very similar to me or very different from me. If you are looking for a connection, I am looking for you:)

The Look

Ophelia Zin is a 5'5", slender, 23 year old asian woman with medium length black hair and brown eyes.

She is available for Male only.


Books, conversations, the human experience. If you are interested in learning more about me, please visit my website for my blog and more pics.


I live in Boston and am in NYC March 1-March 3. The requested gift is 900/hr, 1100/90min, 1300/2hrs, 1700/3hrs, 2000/4hrs. See you soon!

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