Ultimate GFE
Lilith Gilman’s Cover Photo

Lilith Gilman

Verified Photo

+I’m here to entertain you In your favorite pastime, whatever it may be…

Home Cities

Albuquerque, San Antonio



Lilith Gilman’s Avatar
Verified Photo

Once in a lifetime…

Slixa has verified that the photos marked with these blue badges are accurate representations of Lilith Gilman. Photo Verified Entertainer
Photo verified since Oct 2021

I’m here to entertain you in your favorite pastime, whatever it may be, hopefully something fun for the both of us…

What do I look like? I’m blonde and blue-eyed, in my mid 30th, of Eastern European descent but thoroughly Americanized enough (for better or for worse) with just enough of a dash of European in the mix.

I’m 5’7, with a delicate build but with plenty of softness enough to look feminine to the eye.

What do you say?

If you choose to read and to look, that is ok. But if you choose to go a step further and send me a note, and maybe even an inquiry to meet, I’d be the most flattered. I can only hope to flatter you back…

-‘Till we meet,


The Look

Lilith Gilman is a 5'7", slender, 37 year old caucasian woman with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.

She is available for Male, Female, and Couples.



I’m an avid learner of people and places. I love to experience new people and new places, as it is what keeps my life an ever constant adventure.


Touring rates for most cities start at 1500/1.5hr, 2000/2hrs.

NYC rates start at 1.5k/1hr, 2.5k/2hrs, 3k/3hrs, etc.

Prebook and deposit required, so please prebook. Otherwise, there is a 350 fee for same-day requests.

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